
Dermaplaning is a popular type of exfoliation that uses a 10 gauge scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dead or dull skin cells. When this is done, a smoother, brighter complexion is revealed. When done by a professional, dermaplaning is a safe and highly effective exfoliation procedure that will leave you with glowing skin in a matter of minutes.

What is Dermaplaning?

As long as it is done by a professional, dermaplaning can be used to gently shave the surface of the skin, revealing bright, youthful-looking skin. This process removes the top-most layer of dead skin as well as peach fuzz (vellus hair). Dermaplaning carries the best results when done on a monthly basis, as it will ensure the skin continues to rejuvenate and that pesky peach fuzz is kept at bay. The procedure only takes about 30 minutes and there is absolutely no downtime, which allows you to go about your day without worrying about how your skin looks. Please keep in mind that dermaplaning is only used on the face and cannot be used to shape or change eyebrows. The nose area is always avoided because of how sensitive the skin and pores around that area are.

Dermaplaning is a great alternative to microdermabrasion and ideal for those with sensitive skin and annoying peach fuzz. At Euro Image Med Spa, our dermaplaning services aim to rejuvenate your skin and leave you feeling beautiful and youthful. We recommend dermaplaning for all skin types and colors, with the exception of those with acneic skin.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning, also referred to as physical exfoliation, carries no side effects or downtime. Your skin will be highly sensitive to sun exposure and may appear pink, so it is important you avoid direct sunlight or wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen if you do go outside. You want to make sure to avoid hyperpigmentation since your skin has been renewed and does not have the protective layer it had before.

This process triggers cell regeneration and allows skincare products to penetrate the skin more effectively. As mentioned, it is also a great way to get rid of excess fine hairs, which are not only unsightly but can accumulate dirt and oil over time. Many people ask us if the peach fuzz will grow back thicker or darker, but this is just a myth. Dermaplaning will exfoliate the dead skin cells while removing fine hair, resulting in healthier, brighter skin that is smooth to the touch.

Who is Dermaplaning Ideal For?

Individuals who have dry or rough skin are particularly good candidates for dermaplaning. Because this procedure also works to minimize acne scarring or uneven skin tone, people with these concerns should inquire about dermaplaning. Those who are unhappy with mature, aging skin may also want to look into dermaplaning, as it works to get rid of a buildup of dead cells because of cellular turnover. If done on a regular basis, dermaplaning will slow down the signs of aging. It is safe for both pregnant or lactating clients who are looking for an alternative to chemical peels.

If you are interested in scheduling a dermaplaning session or would like to learn more about our skincare services, please give Euro Image Med Spa a call today.